yLead exists to protect, nurture and empower young people. The safety and wellbeing of young people is paramount in everything we do.
yLead has zero tolerance for child abuse, or any other actions that intentionally compromise the safety and wellbeing of young people.
yLead is committed to providing a positive and inclusive environment where young people are safe and feel safe, are respected and feel respected, and have their voices heard about decisions that affect their lives. This environment is extended to all young people – regardless of background, preferences or level of ability.
Every person involved with yLead understands the important role they play in maintaining a safe, positive and inclusive environment for young people . yLead staff and volunteers take their responsibilities in regards to child safety very seriously and understand the obligation to share information appropriately and lawfully if they believe the safety and wellbeing of a young person is at risk.
All yLead staff members and volunteers undergo screening and hold a current ‘working with children’ accreditation.