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Free Online Interactive Webinar for Year 7 & 8 Students

What is iLead?

The purpose of ‘iLead’, is to create an inclusive and engaging workshop where students are skilled with the tools to build and sustain positive and respectful relationships. With the help of the Queensland Government’s Stop Cyberbullying grant, we are able to offer iLead to regional and rural Queensland schools. Participants will commit to being an ‘Upstander’; confident to take action in the event of an online bullying scenario. During these facilitated tasks students will have an opportunity to:

  • Contribute to discussions around what makes a respectful relationship
  • Network with students from other schools via speaking to camera and entering conversation in the chat box
  • Define personal actions that can have positive impact in their schools and in an online environment
  • Be introduced to the definition of an ‘Upstander’, ‘a person who takes action, particularly when the easiest or most acceptable thing to do is nothing’
  • Define the behaviours and impact of both a bystander and an ‘Upstander’
  • Sign a commitment to be an ‘Upstander’ in their communities and schools

The two hour iLead experience will be live streamed to students in classes across regional QLD schools. Students that participate in the experience will be led through individual workbook reflection, group discussion and interactive activities.

When is iLead?


There are LIMITED PLACES available so be sure to secure your spot to empower your students.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will it run?
yLead will use the Zoom platform to facilitate iLead! Each school will be issued with a log in that is to be used to login on the computer/s. We envisage that computer/s to be set up with a projector projecting the webinar onto a large screen in a classroom. A sound system or speakers would also be required so students can easily listen.

How many students can I register?
School’s can register as many students as they like, however, for this experience students will need to be setup in classrooms of 25-30 students with access to computer, projector and sound system.

Can I invite students to join from other year levels?
iLead is an exclusive event for your Year 7 & 8 students. yLead does offer other similar programs for different year levels, so be sure to check them out at

Do I need to register the multiple classrooms in my school?
Only one registration would be required for the school. Please just notify us of how many classrooms you will have attending this event.

What are the details of the event?
iLead we be delivered on Wednesday 2nd December, 2020 at 9:00am AEST, with an approximate 2 hour running time.

Do we need a teacher to supervise?
Yes, we would expect the classroom to be supervised by a teacher during the 2 hour zoom webinar. There will be challenges throughout this experience that may require the help of supervising teachers.

What else do I need to know?
Once you have registered you will receive more information on how to set up your classroom and AV ready for the event, as well as yLead’s Code of Conduct for using online platforms.

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