Mentor Applications OPEN NOW!
With over 14 years of connection, authenticity, culture and IMPACT, Rangatira 2024 is sure to be the best New Zealand Student Leadership Conference we have ever held, a force of pure leadership training alongside YOU, our incredible team. An incredible legacy that we would love for you to sew into it. Now is the time to back yourself. To harness your skills, passions and strengths to support and guide the upcoming leaders for 2025.
We want YOU to help us create the magic of RANGATIRA that you experienced, for this year’s conference participants.
Applications to be a Conference Mentor are now open!
We cannot wait for those of you who will don the blue as a mentor to bring the yLead magic, tradition and aroha to Rotorua.
Rangatira New Zealand Student Leadership Conference | North Island
Tuesday 8th – Thursday 10th October, 2024 | Rotorua Boys’ High School, Rotorua NZ
*Note: Mentors must be available Monday 7th October for ‘Prep Day’ & online on Thursday 12th September for a Zoom meeting at 5:30-7:30pm NZT.
Who can apply?
Conference leadership teams are comprised of a diverse range of young leaders. There isn’t just one set of traits to be a successful leader, therefore we work hard to ensure the leadership team is made up of a range of personalities, strengths and experiences. It is important that the mentors ‘walk the talk’, living out the philosophies and values of yLead in their everyday lives.
Our Conference Mentors can be:
- Past Conference Mentors
- Past and active yTeam members
- Rangatira graduates
- Other yLead participants that have finished Year 12 from across the globe
- People out in their community showcasing leadership
How to apply…
Applying to be a Conference Mentor is easy. Check out the detailed role description, back yourself and complete the form below.
- We recommend typing these answers in Word first, then copy and paste into the online form in case you have any technical issues submitting.
- Submit a 30 second – 1 minute video that showcases your personality and tells us why you think you are suitable for this role.
** This is only required if you have not been a conference mentor before – upload as an ‘Unlisted’ video to YouTube and include the link in your submission.
Each year it becomes more challenging to select the leadership teams due to the high quality of applicants. We create teams based on a wide variety of strengths and experience. Please spend time thinking about your responses, even if you have mentored before – this form carries a heavy weight in the application process.
Applications close at MIDNIGHT NZT Friday 16th August, 2024.
Please direct any questions to our yTeam Coordinator George Conlon via email ( or phone +61 (07) 3266 2828.