Have you found yourself scrolling through your phone, looking back on pictures that bring you joy? This is your reminder that those times WILL return. Use isolation as a way to recognise what really matters to you.
We checked in with some of our yTeam to ask what really matters to them, and what pictures have been helping them get through this iso period!
This is a pic of my Mumma and I! Coming home after a long, sometimes stressful, day at work to a cuppa tea waiting for me and our afternoon routine of watching Grey’s Anatomy together, has 110% kept me sane and made me smile during this time!
Not being able to hug extended family or my friends has made my Mum’s hugs that little bit extra special and appreciated.
– Ali Mordue, New South Wales
Being stuck inside for four weeks can be pretty damn boring, although spending it with six of my best mates has definitely made it a lot better. I’m so grateful that I have been able to live with and be surrounded by people that I love through this period. When an escape is not allowed and that love is tested, the future escapes become more special and something that I’m yearning for. I look forward to being able to get out, go surfing, get up the mountain and continue to share experiences with those around me.
– Oliver Burns, New Zealand
This photo was taken pre-COVID when I went on a trip with some friends to Kuala Lumper to see Lewis Capaldi in concert!
Our very spontaneous, but great, decision to hop on a plane to see the show gave us an experience we will always remember. Music in all forms, but particularly live music is a life long love of mine and I cannot wait to have a boogie with my friends again soon!!
– Georgia Hayward, Queensland
Spending time outside and chasing the next big adventure is what I miss more than anything! Travelling the world is a passion of mine and something I will continue to do once this blows over.
Tough times tend to put things into perspective for me. Photos like this remind me of the value of living in the moment and seeing what our amazing world has to offer. The thought of adventure reminds me that as each day passes, I’m another day closer to the next big adventure!
– Mark Siandri, North Queensland
I love embracing the chance COVID-19 has given us. In teams, we delivered groceries, hand sanitiser and ANZAC day poppies for those in need. We also create videos to help the elderly, made Google Docs to encourage leadership, set up iPads in nursing homes, collected riddles, have written snail mail and organised accountability buddies. For Easter, my sisters and I handcrafted 50+ Easter baskets filled with homemade biscuits. We delivered these to our family and friends’ doorsteps to foster Easter spirit. COVID-19 has given me the chance to encourage, love and thank the people around me.
– Bridget Muir, Western Australia
During this current epidemic and continuous isolation, I can’t help but reflect on some of my favourite memories with my favourite people.
Being separated from my friends really puts into perspective how lucky I am to constantly be surrounded by such amazing and likeminded people. I genuinely can’t wait until I’m reunited with all my best friends!
– Jack Roach, Victoria
I was originally going to pick a photo of some friends and I at a juice bar because I was afraid of coming across as ‘big headed’, but while scrolling through my phone I found this photo which I took when I was burnt out. Working 2 jobs, almost 11 hours a day on top of other community work I was doing… it was too much!
Iso has made me take a step back and fill my own cup. With how I’m feeling now (rested and ready) it’s fo sho a very important “to do”. We should all practice a little more self-love and take it easy on ourselves.
– Kano Ravalji, Victoria
Down here in Tassie, our government has closed off all our national parks to stop people from congregating there while exercising.
Looking through my photos from walks I’ve done on the coast so far this year is keeping me smiling! This photo is the entrance to “Devil’s Kitchen”, the name suits how I think we all feel at the moment!
I’m planning all the places I’ll go walking and camping at after iso ends – spending time with my beautiful friends in beautiful places.
– Sophie Crothers, Tasmania
I was so inspired by Rowie McEvoy’s happiness and genuine love for life after hearing her speak at Altitude Day a few years ago.
So, I decided to start a wall of photos in my room, with people that inspire and motivate me!
Every morning I wake up to Rowie’s positive energy and bright smile – what a way to start the day!
– Steve Jaggard, South Australia
This is the footy team I coach at my club. Rugby League is my life and not being able to enjoy it by seeing the kids in my team enjoying themselves and smile can really get me down in these crazy times. Although I can’t see them smile, seeing memories like this really make me smile and I think about the positives. I’m so proud of every single one of these kids for their effort to improve and the bonds they create with each other. I love to reflect on the other volunteering I do with other teams and in the office and I cannot wait to get down there and continue this when I can.
– Harley Inwood, Queensland
I love looking back on this photo for so many reasons. I made it my lock screen on the plane back home from SLC because it brought back the feeling of the beautiful connections that the conference brought us and the empowerment we felt leaving the uni grounds. As sad as I am that we can’t hang out in large groups together, it gives me hope because we have maintained such a strong connection online (as we all live interstate) even before isolation. So I know, looking at this photo that if a friendship is truly special it will certainly make it through this time, and perhaps come out even stronger.