Sophie Ryan is the epitome of change maker. After graduating from St Ursula’s College in Toowoomba in 2013, she has gone on to become a driven humanitarian. The list of organisations and clubs Sophie has been involved with is endless, but includes being a Youth Ambassador for the Multi-Faith Multicultural Centre and a fellow of UNCCA (promoting the work of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) in Australia) and 2017 Regional Young Citizen of the Year.
“I want to enable people to peacefully resolve conflict”
Sophie was able to return home to Toowoomba and share her message with just under 100 Year 9 students!
When we asked her our Fast Four questions, this is what she had to say!
What are you the most passionate about?
I’m most passionate about remedying social injustice, both locally and internationally.
What action are you taking to influence change in that area?
I’m currently at university studying Peace and Conflict Studies, Religion and Law to equip myself with the best toolkit to make a difference in this area. I aspire to go into international law to help countries, governments and individuals meet their basic obligations under human rights law and resolve their differences through law, not war.
What is the greatest lesson you have learnt on your journey so far?
Everyone has an extraordinary capacity to affect change; your circumstances don’t effect that innate capacity, only you do.
Your top piece of advice for Year 9 students?
Don’t let others telling you otherwise effect what you know you can achieve.