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To the educators…

By March 24, 2020Team

Reaching out to the educators,


We respect you always, now more than ever, you are the leaders our world needs.


Leadership is about being adaptable – your determination to work through all the challenges as we prepare to move online is admirable. It is proving to students that anything is possible.


Leadership is being creative & collaborating – we acknowledge all that you are doing to share your resources, get creative and explore ways to get through this.


Leadership is about seeing the good thank you for continuing to make students smile and laugh, it is inspiring. Wanting to share good news stories to keep their spirits high when yours are low.


Leadership is service there is no doubt that right now you are making huge sacrifices to serve. We see you, we acknowledge you as you are being challenged daily.


It certainly takes a unique kind of character to do what you are doing. Please know it doesn’t go unnoticed. We are backing you and congratulating you. You are inspiring your students, being a role model for them in these uncertain times.


Know that the yLead Team is here to support you. We are working around the clock preparing resources to have ready for you when we kick start Term 2. These resources will be adaptable to suit the given situation.


Thank you for all that you do, and we wish to continue this partnership long into the future. Things are tough, but united we are tougher.