Name: Liam Hae Hae
Age: 24
School: Rotorua Boys’ High School
yLead involvement: Brisbane ASLC participant 2012, co-founder of Rangatira, Rangatira and ASLC mentor & all round helper
A: Hey there Liam! You are one of the founding members and the reason for Rangatira in NZ – what is the reason you found yLead so valuable and wanted to take it to NZ?
L: Kelsey, Shaq and I wanted to bring the yLead conference to New Zealand to share the amazing experience we had.
“We thought that a lot of young leaders, in particular young Maori like ourselves, would find value in identifying the true version of themselves.”
A: What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learnt throughout your time at yLead that you apply to your life?
L: The biggest lesson I’ve learnt is to be the true version of my self, regardless of what people think. I’ve found that as long as I’m happy that is the main thing and from there I can in turn enrich the lives of people around me.
A: Outside of yLead, what are some of your major passions, or things you love spending your time doing?
L: Over the last couple of years I’ve taken a huge interest in learning the mother tongue of my ancestors which is Maori. In doing this I’ve also gained a huge respect and connection to who I am and from where I’ve come from.
A: With Rangatira 2018 potentially being your last, what is on the horizons for you in the future?
L: I feel like in some way the Rangatira conference will always be apart of me and I’ll always make a guest appearance here and there. But moving forward I’m looking at joining the New Zealand police force to work within local communities and iwi keeping our young people out of the criminal justice system.
Speed round:
-Food: Love my Nan’s curry
-Artist: Dean Martin
-Holiday destination: Back home in Rotorua
-Actor who would play you in a movie of your life: Matt LeBlanc (Joey from Friends)
-Secret talent: Love singing old crooner songs i.e. Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra