2014 proved to be our biggest year yet with more school leadership experiences, travel adventures and community projects than ever before! Thanks to all those students, teachers and friends that supported yLead in our ventures – we are extremely thankful to everyone that helped make this year our biggest year yet!
Leadership Experiences
We positively impacted 29,831 young people from 275 schools across Australia and New Zealand through our leadership experiences. A third of these programs were with schools that we were working with for the first time. The year included so many new and exciting ventures for yLead including our first west coast leadership experience at Perth College, delivery of a new leadership event – Girl for Change Leadership Summit – with the Alliance of Girls’ Schools and working with our youngest group of leaders ever – MET School Year 3s!
Travel Adventures
In travel we once again ventured across the world to New Zealand and Tanzania. We also launched a brand new schoolies alternative – Help Out! 15 school-leavers from across the country embarked on a week-long adventure to Cambodia where they volunteered at a local community school. The trip was a huge success with many lifetime memories made.
Community Engagement
Finally, we continued to support school-based community engagement projects through our Community Leaders Awards. 25 schools signed up to the challenge to make their school and community a better place driven by the theme Inclusive Communities. Congratulations to Chancellor State College for their goalball initiative that won them the 2014 Community Leaders Award.
Whoa! What a year! We are sure 2015 is going to be just as exciting as we continue to grow and work with more amazing young people.