Keely Johnson is the epitome of determination and strength. Throughout her journey with childhood cancer Keely saw other young people battle and suffer, and wanted to make a difference. This prompted her to start the Golden Octopus Foundation, which covers ALL childhood cancers. The 8 arms of an octopus represent the 8 types of childhood cancers. Not only that, but she also has a single with country music legend, Lee Kernaghan – take a listen here!
“We will help the families, raise money to help with research and access to trials that children may never get, we will strive to get better facilities in the regional areas to stop families having to come to the major centres as much.”
Local girl Keely came along to the Townsville Altitude Day to share her story, after just going through two brain surgeries! Keely wanted to share with the students that you should always dream BIG.
Check out Keely’s Fast Four answers!
What are you most passionate about?
I’m a huge believer in helping kids with cancer this has come from me seeing it first hand. It hasn’t become a passion to help kids with cancer. It has become a need to help them. Because if I’m not their voice they will never be heard. I couldn’t even think about not helping them with the Golden Octopus Foundation, I love each and everyone of them.
What action are you taking to influence change in that area?
I started my own charity to help not just the common type of cancer, but to help the rare ones too. I support all types of cancer in children. Because there isn’t one charity that supports them all.
What is the greatest lesson you have learnt on your journey so far?
That no matter how much you give, seeing people smile is the most important thing.
What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t stop trying to achieve your goals and dreams.