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Our COVID-19 Tips

By March 27, 2020Team

We’ve never encountered a time like this before. So naturally we might need some tips or recommendations to get through self-isolation. We’ve got you covered!

Thanks to our yTeam, we have your tips and recommendations covered for how to pass the time while we all do our bit to stay at home and flatten the curve.

The yLead team’s top tips to tackle COVID-19! 

  • Wash your hands, duh!
  • Wipe surfaces, especially communal ones shared with family/housemates
  • Create a morning routine to set you up for the day!
  • Make your bed – come on, you can do it
  • Ensure your work space is tidy
  • Put some artwork/photos in your workspace that reminds you of your WHY
  • Have different playlists for different vibes – focus, chill, G.S.D (get s**t done)
  • Smile and say hello when you do have to go out… supermarket workers are doing it tough, be nice. Heck, people are doing it tough, be nice to them too.
  • Get fresh air and go outside at least once every day
  • Teach your grandparents/parents how to FaceTime and give them a buzz
  • Set guidelines with your family/housemates: when’s social time, when’s alone time
  • At the end of each day reflect on 3 gratitudes and 3 things that went well
  • Don’t let your day/conversations be consumed with COVID chat or news
  • Every time you say “I wish I could…” write it on paper and put it in a jar for when self-iso is over!
  • Use time at home to rest and recharge
  • Know that it will end

Ways to pass the time:

  • Build a fort
  • Board games, card games, puzzles – Ivy NSW. It’s time for the ultimate Monopoly throw down, or that 5,000 piece puzzle you’ve been avoiding
  • Start a new hobby! Maxi from WA recommends crocheting.
  • Cook dinner with your family – Kayla VIC.
  • Bake a new recipe. Jess from QLD is trying out banana walnut bread, yum.
  • Ash from VIC is learning Auslan off YouTube!
  • Try a yoga class online – Laura from VIC loves ‘Yoga with Adrienne’ on YouTube
Images: Bianca Palmer


  • Life of Pi: Yann Martel – Laura VIC
  • 488 Rules for Life: Kitty Flanagan – Laura VIC
  • LOVE!: Zoe Foster-Blake – Laura VIC


  • War of my life: John Mayer – Laura VIC
  • The heart of life: John Mayer (super heartwarming and just perfect for this situation) – Laura VIC
  • Sunday Best: Surfaces
  • ‘Shameless’ podcast – Jess QLD


  • Movie: Lion – Laura VIC
  • Movie: The Intouchables – Laura VIC
  • TED talks, centred around emotion management and tackling COVID-19 – Ash VIC


  • ‘Houseparty’ app – Bianca QLD
  • ‘Zoom’ app – Lisa QLD. We love a virtual study sesh, movie watching, video chat

Send through your recommendations to so we can keep building the list! We know it can be challenging, overwhelming, frustrating at times to be at home, but we’re all in this together. It’s through our isolation that we are coming together to do the right thing for our community.