Name: Zoe Meredith-Brown
Age: 19
School: St John’s Anglican College, grad 2015
yLead involvement: Participant at ASLC in 2015, started in schools in 2016, Mentor at ASLC in 2017 + 2018, went to Cambodia in 2017 for the schoolies alternative as a mentor!
Favourite quote: It may seem silly but recently it’s been from Kid Cudi, “when life seems hopeless, rearrange things for a dose of dopeness”
A: Hey there Zoe! yTeam superstar hey… that’s a pretty big deal! What is it about yLead that makes you keep coming back and give your time as a volunteer?
Z: I would say that it’s the energy that keeps me coming back! It’s the way being a part of the yTeam makes me feel both when I’m at an In School or just in the office! It feels like anything is possible, and that’s a hard feeling to come across these days! But it’s also the students. I feel blessed to be able to hear their stories and be a part of their journey, seeing them grow, especially the ASLC participants!
A: You’ve been around yLead for 3 years now… what’s the biggest lesson it’s taught you?
Z: The biggest lesson would probably be that there are so many different, extraordinary people in the world…
and it’s our responsibility to empower and embrace those people for who they are and what they bring to the table!
A: Outside of yLead you study Nursing & Paramedicine – what made you want to go down that path?
Z: I went down the path of Nursing and Paramedics because it was something my Dad and I were really passionate about, and my Mum also works in the mental health field. I think that having the ability to help people both physically and mentally is so incredible and I can’t wait to finish!
A: What’s your big scary life goal? You know the one that sits at the back of our mind that we think we’ll never achieve… what’s yours??
Z: My big scary life goal…. geez it would probably be to move to a third world country for a couple of months or a year and provide medical training and education! I’m super passionate about the health standards in 3rd world countries so I think that would be so scary but so incredibly worth it!
A: You also do heaps with your local surf life-saving club… tell us about that!
Z: I patrol at the Maroochydore Surf Club and have been apart of the club for 6 years! My Mum coaches the baby nippers, we call them green caps, so I go down and help them as much as I can on Sunday mornings! I compete in first aid competitions and previously have won the under 15, under 17 and under 19 Australian gold medals and hopefully in April this year I will be able to take away the open gold medal in Perth at the Australian surf life saving titles!
A: If you could give one piece of advice to our yTeam family, what would it be?
Z: My one piece of advice would be to message someone you haven’t spoken to lately and see what they are up to, call your parents and say hello, tell your friends you love them and put cute Instagram posts up about them! We need to fill this world with more love and gratitude!
Speed round:
Favourite food: Chocolate mousse
Favourite past time/hobby: I love a classic board game/games night with my mum, brother and nana
Favourite band: I’m not sure about bands but as for artists I would say Kendrick Lamar or Post Malone, or some classic ABBA
Which actor would play you in a movie of your life: Rebel Wilson for sure
Any secret talents: I can find a way to pick apart any food and eat it in a really weird way
Thanks for all the effort, love and energy you put into the yTeam Zoe! Every time you wear the dark blue, you wear it with pride.